Memorial donation to honor the life of Ms. Jana Custer. ~~ Marianne Crispin
Memorial donation in remembrance of Cathy Hutzell. ~~Mary Gould
Memorial donation made in honor and in loving memory of Terry Wilson.
Ramsey Miller, Carole Barr, Heather Hughes
Memorial donation made in lieu of flowers for the unfortunate passing of James Earl Worn.
Katrina Krarup, Louise Ashworth, and G. Ed Richardson
For a beloved friend, Barbara Friedman ~~ Dallas and Merle
Elly for Gidget
For Snooks, my she romp through the flowers. ~~Gigi
For Beth Hart Baty, who is hopefully happy and snuggling with her fur babies who have passed on. ~~ TLC
For Beth Hart Baty ~~ Karen.
In honor of George Young. May your heart and the hearts of your family heal quickly. Much love to you all! ~~ LSC - Tomball OTS
In loving memory of Patricia Durbin Myer - ~~Damien Durbin
In honor and loving memory of Patricia Ann Durbin-Myer. ~~ I am truly sorry for your loss Chris.~~Joe Jernigan
In honor and memory of Patricia Ann Durbin Myer. Chris, We would like to express our sincere condolences to you and your family. May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Sincerely, Your Prologis Houston Family - ~~ Ross Matthews
John and Sharon, Evelyn was a treasured friend and a loving Mother to her children. She spoke of both of you often. She will always be in our hearts. ~~ Gigi Hancock
In loving memory of Scooter, beloved dog companion of Ruth Hutyra. ~~John and Fran Powers
Texas Litter Control can help with that. You can give a special person or animal companion a place on this website. By donating $50 or more you will have the opportunity to send a photo and a story about an animal or a story about an exceptional person's efforts to help animals.
Your support will be used to continue the Texas Litter Control mission to prevent the suffering and death of dogs and cats due to overpopulation, and educating the pubic on the importance of spay and neuter. Upon donating $50 or more, there will be a section to designate your donation.
When your dedication is posted you will be sent a link to view your Memorial, Tribute, and Honorary Stories. Texas Litter Control would never reject a memorial or honorary gift of less than $50, but these gifts will not be acknowledged on the website.
All donations are acknowledged with a thank-you letter to the donor and a letter of notification to the honoree or other person who you designate when you make your gift.
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